Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Interviews Blues

This job search is getting ridiculous. I have had various follow-up interviews, but still no luck. It seems that most people don't want to hire me because I'm currently employed. Hellooooo, it's called having 2 jobs. It's not that big of a phenomenon.

Also, people who don't call you back when they say they will are very rude. If I have ever done this to you, I am very sorry. It's on my list of things that I want to correct this year.

Currently, I am thinking about other ways to make monies. So far I have: 1) winning the lottery  2) starting a super awesome blog that everyone loves and wants to sponsor 3) starting a super awesome youtube channel that everyone loves and wants to sponsor 4) marrying rich (this is obviiiiously a joke) 5) learning how to make pretty jewelry (or something that people love such as clothes, paintings, photography, food, etc.) and selling said thing 6) moving to L.A. and trying my hand at a passion that I've always had but always been too afraid to commit to: ACTING 7) writing a book (about what? who knows, but it's an idea) 8) applying to grad school earlier than I had planned, and taking out a ton of loans to survive...

My options all look pretty bleak, but I am honestly considering some of these because I don't think I can stand another interview.

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